Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Travelling Bag


The bag in all it's glory. 

I've picked out about 8 balls or so that are out of view. Going to have to decide to whittle them down, or just bite the bullet and put in 8 balls of my own in there. The minimum weight is 2.5g per ball, so that there's enough to get a square from. There are several that are heavier though, so I may siphon off 2.5g and leave the ball in there for someone else to enjoy. 


Friday, 20 May 2011

Late Shift 'Magic'

Hiya, you okay?

Managed to knock out 5 or 6 squares yesterday. The good thing about being on lates! Was up until about 4am watching United 93, and then the bonus documentary on the DVD.

Off to Watford tonight until Sunday morning, might be able to do a couple on the train. Always feel a bit odd knitting on the tube in case I get stopped!

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Friday, 13 May 2011

First Square in a While

I've been slacking :-) back on lates next week though, so I'll probably get loads done. How's your creation coming along? xx
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Monday, 2 May 2011

Mam's Socks


I promised to have these finished this weekend before I left, so just adding a few more rounds of ribbing and then casting off.

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Sunday, 1 May 2011

Knitting with Guinness

Aaaaah :-)

Haven't been knitting many squares in the last week or so due to travelling to Watford, working then travelling to the Cotswolds and Swansea. Nevertheless, I'm making the most of sitting in the pub with Dad and Dat!

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